A Quantitative Study on The Revolving Door Phenomena Among psychiatric Clients at The Accra Psychiatric Hospital and rehabilitation Center
Revolving door phenomenon, psychiatric clients, rehospitalization, mental health, Accra Psychiatric Hospital, substance misuse, medication adherenceAbstract
In mental health, revolving door syndrome refers to the tendency of clients to get better for a while, and then end up relapsing. The revolving door phenomenon arises from the interface of a wide range of topographies related to the core psychotic disease (such as, severity of disease, poor medication compliance), additional factors (substance abuse), and services obtainability (such as, assertive support groups within the community). Furthermore, it is imperative to note that in spite of optimal medication and psycho-educational regimen, many clients with substance abuse still relapse. In Ghana, the Accra Psychiatry Hospital in the Greater Accra region has a total number of two hundred and fifty beds. The main objective was to determine the psychiatric revolving door syndrome, and the specific objectives of the study were to answer to the following research questions; To determine patterns of readmission, to determine structured support of patients after discharge and to determine characteristics of patients who experience readmissions. This study was conducted on a total number of 30 patients who were admitted to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. The data were analyzed using a logistic regression model. We found that factors such as drug addictions, schizophrenia, psychosis, and depression were statistically significant in the number of readmissions using the logistic regression model. Readmission to the psychiatric ward is mainly predictable by the type of diagnosis and psychosocial supports. There is an urgent need for improved record keeping. Hospitals related issues that may contribute to readmission should also be identified and addressed. In particular, hospitals policies and procedures for admissions and discharges, community based services and the attitudes, expectations and perceptions of hospital staff towards patients who relapse require further study
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