Effectiveness of School-Based Health Education Programs in Preventing Substance Abuse among Adolescents
School-Based Health Education Programs, Substance Abuse Prevention, Adolescents, Randomized Controlled Trial, EffectivenessAbstract
This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of school-based health education programs in preventing substance abuse among adolescents, focusing on key outcomes such as substance use initiation, frequency of use, and related knowledge and attitudes. Employing a rigorous randomized controlled trial design, participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group, which received the school-based health education program, or the control group. Standardized assessment tools were utilized to measure program outcomes at multiple time points, allowing for longitudinal analysis of program effects. Results indicate significant reductions in substance use initiation and frequency among adolescents who participated in the intervention compared to the control group, highlighting the positive impact of school-based prevention efforts on adolescent substance abuse. The study underscores the importance of incorporating evidence-based prevention strategies into school health education curricula and informs policy and practice aimed at reducing substance abuse among adolescents.
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