Evaluation of Cloud Seeding Techniques for Precipitation Enhancement


  • Moses Essien University of Professional Studies


Cloud Seeding, Precipitation Enhancement, Silver Iodide, Social-Technical Systems Theory, Water Scarcity, Water Resource Management, Weather Modification, Sustainable Practices, Policy Implications, Economic Analysis.


This study explores the effectiveness of cloud seeding in augmenting precipitation levels, with a focus on silver iodide as a seeding agent. Drawing from diverse geographical contexts, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and African countries, the study examines the varying patterns of precipitation and the potential for cloud seeding to address water scarcity challenges. Utilizing Social-Technical Systems Theory, the study acknowledges the intricate interplay between technical processes and social considerations in cloud seeding operations. Through a systematic evaluation of cloud seeding methods, the study found that silver iodide significantly increased precipitation in targeted areas, particularly during specific cloud types and favorable meteorological conditions. The study also emphasizes the importance of considering atmospheric dynamics, such as cloud base height and humidity, in optimizing cloud seeding effectiveness. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of seeded clouds and the localized impact on precipitation patterns are explored, highlighting the potential for tailored cloud seeding programs. A cost-benefit analysis reveals the economic viability of cloud seeding, with benefits such as increased agricultural productivity and reduced drought-related losses outweighing implementation costs. The study's theoretical contributions include advancing the understanding of cloud seeding mechanisms within the broader context of weather modification. Practical implications extend to informing water resource managers and policymakers on optimal cloud seeding techniques for specific outcomes, such as snowpack enhancement and agricultural water management. Policy recommendations support evidence-based decision-making, advocating for continued investment in cloud seeding as a sustainable water management strategy. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive evaluation of cloud seeding techniques, offering insights into theory, practice, and policy for enhancing precipitation and addressing water scarcity challenges.




How to Cite

Essien, M. (2024). Evaluation of Cloud Seeding Techniques for Precipitation Enhancement. Global Journal of Climate Studies, 1(1), 53 –. Retrieved from https://forthworthjournals.org/journals/index.php/GJCS/article/view/85


