International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices <p><strong>International Journal of Livestock Policy</strong> is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research on livestock policy and management. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to the production, management, and policy of livestock, including animal welfare, animal health, nutrition, and environmental impacts of livestock farming. It aims to provide a forum for scholars to share their research and insights on the development of sustainable and equitable livestock systems. The journal is published by FortWorth Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishers and is indexed in several databases</p> FortWorth Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishers en-US International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Livestock Practices <p><em>The integration of agroecological principles holds transformative potential for fostering sustainable livestock practices by promoting environmental stewardship, resource efficiency, and socio-economic resilience in agricultural systems. This paper sought to investigate the role of agroecology in sustainable livestock practices. This study was anchored on Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) Theory. The study conducted a thorough review and synthesis of diverse scholarly works on the role of agroecology in sustainable livestock practices, aiming to gain insights into key theories, methodologies, findings, and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. This study revealed promising outcomes, indicating that the integration of agroecological principles positively influences both environmental sustainability and socio-economic resilience. The findings demonstrated that agroecology contributes to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved soil health, and enhanced biodiversity in livestock systems. Additionally, agroecological interventions were associated with socio-economic benefits, fostering community engagement, equitable governance structures, and enhanced livelihoods for smallholder farmers. The study underscored the adaptability of livestock systems to climate-related stressors when guided by agroecological practices, emphasizing the importance of diversified farming systems and adaptive strategies for climate resilience in livestock management. The study significantly contributes to both theory and policy by conducting a thorough examination and synthesis of existing scholarly works on the role of agroecology in sustainable livestock practices. On the theoretical front, the research enhances our understanding of key theories and methodologies in the field, identifying gaps in current knowledge and providing a foundation for the development of new theoretical frameworks that integrate ecological and socio-economic dimensions. In the realm of policy, the study offers valuable insights to inform the development and refinement of sustainable agriculture policies. By identifying key theories, methodologies, and findings, the research provides policymakers with an evidence-based foundation for crafting strategies that promote the integration of agroecological principles into livestock farming practices. This dual contribution highlights the study's significance in advancing both academic discourse and practical interventions for achieving sustainable livestock farming.</em></p> Samantha Cornell Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Livestock Policy 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 1 1 1 9 Regulatory Frameworks for Animal Welfare in Livestock Farming <p><em>In the intricate tapestry of modern agriculture, the study on Regulatory Frameworks for Animal Welfare in Livestock Farming delves into the pivotal mechanisms shaping the treatment of animals within the agricultural landscape. As the ethical imperative of ensuring animal welfare gains prominence globally, this study navigates through the complexities of existing regulatory frameworks, offering a comprehensive examination that transcends geographical boundaries. By unraveling the intricacies of governance structures, the research aims to contribute nuanced insights, foster policy evolution, and pave the way for a more compassionate and effective approach to animal welfare in the realm of livestock farming. The findings highlighted considerable variability in implementation, with differences in interpretation and enforcement across regions. Ethical considerations and public perception increasingly influence the formulation of regulations, emphasizing the need for alignment with evolving societal attitudes toward animal welfare. Challenges in practical implementation, including resource limitations and variations in compliance, pose significant hurdles. Longitudinal studies emphasize the impact of regulatory changes over time, emphasizing the need for continuous adaptation. A global synthesis underscores the importance of standardized assessment tools and collaboration to establish consistent animal welfare standards. Overall, the findings stress the dynamic and complex nature of regulatory frameworks, emphasizing the importance of addressing practical challenges, incorporating ethical considerations, and fostering global collaboration for effective governance.&nbsp; In conclusion, the study emphasized on the variability in regulatory practices influenced by cultural and economic factors, necessitating context-specific approaches. The integration of ethical considerations into regulations is highlighted, underscoring the evolving societal attitudes toward animal welfare. Challenges in practical implementation, including resource constraints, point to the need for targeted interventions to support farmers. The study provides a comprehensive foundation for future research and policymaking, emphasizing the importance of refining governance mechanisms to ensure the humane treatment of animals in diverse livestock farming contexts.&nbsp; The study recommends harmonizing regulations to establish uniform animal welfare standards, integrating ethical considerations into governance structures, and addressing practical challenges through resource allocation, collaboration, and industry education. Proactive and dynamic regulatory reviews are advised to ensure relevance, while a global synthesis of best practices and standardized assessment tools are proposed to foster consistency and improvement in animal welfare governance worldwide.</em></p> Evans Carmichael Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 1 1 10 19 Waste Management and Resource Efficiency in Livestock Farming <p><em>In response to the escalating environmental challenges posed by the global livestock sector, this study delves into waste management and resource efficiency in livestock farming, aiming to provide crucial insights and practical recommendations for sustainable practices that balance economic viability with environmental stewardship. This study aimed at exploring waste management and resource efficiency in livestock farming. The study was anchored on Ecological Modernization theory. The study conducted a thorough review and synthesis of diverse scholarly works on waste management and resource efficiency in livestock farming, aiming to gain insights into key theories, methodologies, findings, and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. This study highlighted the transformative potential of precision agriculture technologies, stringent regulatory frameworks, and the adoption of circular economy principles. These findings underscore the need for collaborative efforts to integrate innovative technologies and sustainable practices, promoting both resource efficiency and waste reduction within the global livestock sector. Addressing socio-economic factors, particularly farmer education, is crucial for the successful implementation of these practices, signaling a paradigm shift toward a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system. Emphasis is placed on promoting precision agriculture technologies for optimal resource use, strengthening and enforcing environmental regulations to guide waste management practices, encouraging the adoption of circular economy principles to repurpose waste materials, and investing in extensive farmer education and outreach programs to overcome socio-economic barriers. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of ongoing research and development initiatives to identify and promote innovative practices. These recommendations collectively aim to foster a more sustainable and environmentally responsible livestock industry by integrating technological innovation, supportive policies, circular economy principles, educational outreach, and research initiatives.</em></p> Anthony Wang’ombe Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 1 1 20 29 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Different Livestock Production Systems <p><em>In the face of mounting concerns about the environmental impact of global livestock production, this study delves into the intricate dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions within different livestock production systems, seeking to unravel the complexities that underpin the sustainability of diverse agricultural practices. The study was anchored on the Agricultural Sustainability theory. The main objective of this study was to explore Greenhouse Gas Emissions in different livestock production systems</em><em>. The study conducted a thorough review and synthesis of diverse scholarly works on the </em><em>Greenhouse Gas Emissions in different livestock production systems</em><em>, aiming to gain insights into key theories, methodologies, findings, and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. This study uncovered significant variations in greenhouse gas emissions across diverse livestock production systems. Extensive grazing systems exhibited distinct emission profiles compared to intensive feedlot operations, emphasizing the importance of considering specific system characteristics for assessing environmental sustainability. The research identified key determinants of emissions, with feed composition and manure management practices playing pivotal roles. These findings contribute valuable insights to the discourse on sustainable agriculture, emphasizing the need for targeted and context-specific strategies to enhance the overall environmental sustainability of livestock production. The study's findings significantly contribute to refining existing theoretical models, particularly within the context of agricultural sustainability, by unraveling the variations in greenhouse gas emissions across diverse livestock production systems. This enriched understanding of the complex interplay between agricultural practices and environmental impact benefits theoretical frameworks, such as the Agricultural Sustainability Theory, by providing more context-specific insights into emission dynamics. From a policy perspective, the study guides the development of sustainable agricultural practices by identifying key factors influencing emissions, offering policymakers actionable information for targeted interventions. Recommendations for policies, informed by the study, include promoting practices like rotational grazing, agroforestry integration, and precision livestock farming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. </em></p> Blessings Andrea Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 1 1 30 42 Soil Health Parameters in Sustainable Grazing Systems <p><em>In the pursuit of sustainable land management, understanding the intricate interplay between grazing systems and soil health parameters is imperative. This study delves into the nuanced relationships between rotational grazing, grazing intensity, and agroforestry integration, shedding light on how these practices influence key indicators of soil health. The purpose of this study was to look into the soil health parameters in sustainable grazing systems. The study was anchored on the Sustainable Soil Management theory. The study conducted a thorough review and synthesis of diverse scholarly works on the soil health parameters in sustainable grazing systems, aiming to gain insights into key theories, methodologies, findings, and gaps in the existing body of knowledge. The study unveiled several significant findings illuminating the complex dynamics between land management practices and soil vitality. Notably, the positive impact of rotational grazing on soil organic matter content emerged as a key discovery, aligning with the broader understanding of its role in enhancing soil structure and nutrient availability. The investigation also underscored the critical importance of managing grazing intensity, revealing that moderate grazing positively influenced nutrient cycling and soil fertility, while heavy grazing resulted in nutrient depletion. This highlights the need for a balanced approach to grazing intensity to preserve soil health effectively. Additionally, the study showcased the positive influence of agroforestry on soil health parameters, emphasizing the potential synergy between tree cover and sustainable grazing practices. The findings suggest that integrating agroforestry into grazing systems can offer a multifaceted strategy for enhancing overall soil health. Finally, the study addressed the impact of grazing system choices on soil pH levels, emphasizing the role of rotational grazing in mitigating soil acidification in semi-arid regions. These comprehensive findings contribute nuanced insights to the field of sustainable agriculture, providing valuable knowledge for land managers and farmers aiming to optimize grazing practices for long-term soil health.This study significantly advances both theoretical understanding and policy development in sustainable land management. It enriches the Sustainable Soil Management Theory by providing empirical insights into the specific mechanisms through which practices like rotational grazing and agroforestry influence key soil health indicators. The findings have direct implications for policy, recommending the integration of sustainable grazing practices and emphasizing the need for socio-economic considerations in land management strategies. Overall, the study contributes a nuanced understanding of the relationships between grazing systems and soil health, offering actionable recommendations for policymakers seeking to balance agricultural productivity, environmental conservation, and socio-economic well-being.</em></p> Matt Jones Uti Matt Jones Uti Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Sustainable Livestock Practices 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 1 1 43 54